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FCTA-Geschäftsführer Kevin Kelley und stellvertretende Direktorin Kristin Grooms überreichten am Donnerstag die Auszeichnung „Mitarbeiter des Jahres 2023“ an Bill Shoemaker (links) und Sonny Starr (rechts).

Zwei Unentschieden für die prestigeträchtige FCTA-Auszeichnung

Zum ersten Mal in jüngster Zeit hat die Fulton County Transit Authority zwei Preisträger für den Mitarbeiter des Jahres.

Die Abstimmung der FCTA-Mitarbeiter über die Preisverleihung 2023 ergab am Ende der Abstimmung Anfang dieses Monats ein Unentschieden. Anstatt zu versuchen, einen Weg zu finden, das Unentschieden zu lösen, beschlossen der Geschäftsführer Kevin Kelley und die stellvertretende Direktorin Kristin Grooms, zwei Gewinner zu benennen.

Die FCTA-Mitarbeiter des Jahres 2023 sind Mechaniker Bill Shoemaker und Fahrertrainer Sonny Starr. Kelley und Grooms gaben den Sieg von Shoemaker beim Weihnachtsessen des FCTA-Büros in Fulton am Donnerstag, den 21. Dezember, bekannt, während das Führungsduo den Sieg von Starr beim Weihnachtsessen des FCTA-Büros in Mayfield bekannt gab.

Shoemaker, ein Armee-Gör, begann in der Highschool mit der Arbeit an Fahrzeugen. Obwohl er ein Stipendium für den Besuch einer technischen Schule erhielt, entschied sich Shoemaker, zur United States Navy zu gehen, wo er acht Jahre lang an Hubschraubern arbeitete. Nach seiner Zeit bei der Marine arbeitete Shoemaker einen Großteil seiner Karriere als Mechaniker, hauptsächlich für Fahrzeughändler. Er ist als Master Tech 12 und Chrysler Master Tech klassifiziert.

Der 11. November 2022 war Shoemakers erster Tag als FCTA-Mechaniker. Shoemaker sagt, dass er bei der Arbeit an Transitfahrzeugen typische mechanische Probleme sieht.

„Es handelt sich hauptsächlich um Kleinigkeiten und nichts, was sich wiederholt“, sagte Shoemaker in einem Artikel vom Mai 2023 für den Transmissions-Newsletter der FCTA.  „Ich erledige viele allgemeine Wartungsarbeiten.“

Shoemaker und seine Frau Wendy sind seit zwei Jahren verheiratet. Sie begann Anfang des Jahres in der Terminplanung bei FCTA zu arbeiten. Das Paar hat vier gemeinsame Kinder.

Obwohl seine Zeit bei FCTA erst etwas mehr als ein Jahr her ist, sagt Shoemaker, dass es eine gute Zeit war. Er ist sehr dankbar für die Anerkennung der anderen Mitarbeiter.

„Ich freue mich über alle Stimmen und hoffe, im kommenden Jahr einen besseren Job zu machen“, sagte Shoemaker. „Vielen Dank für alle Stimmen. Frohe Weihnachten und ein gutes neues Jahr.“

Starr wurde in Tacoma, Washington, geboren, wuchs aber in Winston, Oregon auf. Er und seine Frau Michelle haben vier Kinder – drei Mädchen und einen Jungen.

Starr begann am 20. Juni 2022 als Fahrer bei FCTA zu arbeiten. Er fährt immer noch für die Agentur, fungiert aber auch als Fahrertrainer bei FCTA. Derzeit hat er viele der neueren FCTA-Fahrer ausgebildet.

Der gebürtige Westküstenbewohner hat im Laufe seines Erwachsenenlebens eine Vielzahl von Karrieren hinter sich. Er leitete eine Reihe von Radiosendern und diente als Rettungssanitäter. Seit 14 Jahren arbeitet er als Produzent, Filmhistoriker, Zeitungskolumnist und Moderator für die landesweit führende klassische Hollywood-Sendung mit dem Titel „Starr Talk With Sonny Starr“.

Starr ist sehr dankbar für die Auszeichnung.

„Es hat mich überrascht“, gab Starr zu. „Damit habe ich wirklich nicht gerechnet. Es gibt so viele, die besser qualifiziert sind als ich. Ich kann nur sagen, dass ich für diese Ehre sehr dankbar bin. Die Tatsache, dass dies von meinen Kollegen kam, hat eine ganz besondere Bedeutung.  Vielen Dank. Ich werde mich immer an diese große Ehre erinnern!“

Darrell in Frankfurt.jpg
Darrell mit Kranz, der bei Paraden verwendet wird.JPG

Darryl Sims ist der dienstälteste FCTA-Kunde. Als FCTA-Botschafter vertritt Sims die FCTA häufig bei verschiedenen Aktivitäten.

Der FCTA-Botschafter ist ein wahrer regionaler Schatz

Everybody loves Darrell Sims.

In the four-county area Fulton County Transit Authority serves – Fulton, Hickman, Graves, and Carlisle – there possibly aren’t a handful of other people someone could make that blanket statement about. For Darrell Sims, though, it’s true.

“Darrell knows and loves everyone, and everyone knows and loves Darrell,” said Kenney Etherton, former FCTA Executive Director. “He has been a FCTA client for more than 20 years and is the best FCTA driver trainer on the route he rides. If you are having a bad day, Darrell can change that by just saying good morning to you.”

Etherton thinks Darrell has never had a bad day in his life.

“He has an infectious smile and a kind word for everyone,” Etherton said. “He loves UK basketball and most of the time he is wearing something blue to show support for his UK basketball team and blue for FCTA. Darrell loves his God, his churches, UK Basketball, his job, FCTA, and he LOVED his Mother unconditionally.”

Several years ago, some members of the FCTA staff approached Etherton to do something special for Darrell because of the love for and support he’d offered the agency throughout the years. After much thought, those FCTA staff members decided to bestow upon Darrell the title of FCTA Ambassador.

“The word ambassador describes Darrell to a ‘T.’ He is one of our best supporters and advertisers. Darrell is quick to tell anyone and everyone about FCTA and the good things we do,” Etherton said. “I sometimes think if we could take a page from the life of Darrell Sims, it would say, ‘Just be happy and treat everyone with respect.’ We would have a much better world. I could tell Darrell stories all day long. He is one of the most loving and respectful people I know in the world. He’s never met a stranger and will never forget a name.”

Darrell takes his job as FCTA Ambassador very seriously.

“I like everything about being Ambassador,” Darrell said when asked recently. “I like representing FCTA.”

FCTA began its mission as a “people mover” in the mid-1980s. At 25 years, Darrell holds the record for most continual ridership of any client. Currently, Darrell rides in a FCTA vehicle daily from his home in Clinton to his job at Mayfield’s Food Giant. He celebrated his 28th year of employment there in November. Prior to working at Food Giant, Darrell worked at Smith’s for nine years.

“Guess I’ll probably work forever,” Darrell said, laughing. “You never know.”

Darrell was born in Chicago and moved to Clinton when he was 13 years old.

“I had family here,” Darrell said while explaining why they moved to the Hickman County town. “Clinton is a good place to grow up.”

On February 3, Darrell celebrated his 62nd birthday spectacularly.

“My birthday is the same day as Morgan Fairchild’s birthday,” Darrell said, smiling. For those of you who DON’T recognize her name, she’s a longtime actress from soap operas, TV shows, and movies.

Being FCTA Ambassador does have its perks. Darrell and the late Sam Jones, a longtime driver for FCTA, traveled to Frankfort to represent the agency for Transit Day at the Capitol one year. Darrell also represents FCTA at various public events around the four-county area. During the recent holidays, FCTA staff members kept Darrell busy riding in a Transit van on a five Christmas parade schedule including Mayfield, Arlington, Fulton, Clinton, and Hickman. Each September, Darrell represents FCTA in the Twin Cities’ Banana Festival Parade. In October, he can always be seen waving from a FCTA vehicle participating in the Clinton/Hickman County Halloween Parade.

The FCTA Ambassador is so faithful to go to church, he attends two of them weekly.

“I go to First Baptist on Sunday and the Assembly of God on Wednesday,” Darrell said, smiling broadly.

Following a recent Hickman County Spring Chicken Festival, employees who manned an informational booth for FCTA reported back at work that several people told them Darrell has the people at the churches he attends pray for Transit employees every Sunday or Wednesday.

“They said Darrell even calls most of us by name when he prays for FCTA,” one of the employees recalled. “I don’t think we could have a better Ambassador than one who asks God to bless FCTA and those of us who work here.”

When not working or representing FCTA at events, Darrell said he likes to listen to music, keep up with St. Louis Cardinals baseball, or hang out with friends. Many who know Darrell probably don’t know about one of his many skills. He doesn’t just listen to music, but Darrell apparently has memorized who sang every song he has ever heard. Recently, while hanging out with some of his FCTA friends, they began singing a line or two from songs they knew – including obscure ones from the early 1970s. Every line they would sing, Darrell would answer, “Alright, Tammy Wynette!” or “Alright, Aerosmith!” If two people or groups had recorded the song, Darrell was quick to educate those singing the lyrics for him about that fact as well.

Almost daily, Darrell will call the FCTA Dispatch Office on his ride home from work to check in and ask how everyone at Transit is doing. Often Darrell has heard about an illness, a death in a family, or something that has happened to one of the FCTA employees. He never fails to ask about those situations first.
“When he calls in you obviously know who he is because he has that cheery disposition,” said FCTA Dispatch/Scheduling Supervisor Christy Snow. “Darrell asks about everyone, and he always leaves us a good word for the end of the day. Darrell always tells us to tell everyone to have a good day and a good evening and that he is ready for the next day for us to pick him up.”

FCTA Operations Manager Rachel Cook considers Darrell unique and an integral part of the FCTA canvas.

“Darrell Sims is one of a kind,” Cook explained. “His personality is big and his love for life is bigger. He knows how to make anyone’s day. I remember the first day I met him, he gave me a big hug and welcomed me to the FCTA family. Since that day, Darrell has been such a positive staple in my career.”

According to Cook, Darrell can remember anything and everything.

“Darrell never forgets a face or a birthday,” Cook explained. “His birthday call each year is one I look forward to. I am so thankful that I have had the privilege to know and spend time with Darrell.”

Cook is not the only employee impacted by knowing Darrell.

“Darrell means a lot to all of our employees, and we mean a lot to him,” Cook said. “He had a very special relationship with Sam Jones and Charles Cavaness, two FCTA Drivers who have passed away. Every time I get to sit down and chat with Darrell, he reminds me how much he misses them both and how they were his family. We are his family and Darrell is ours. I couldn’t imagine a better person to represent us.”

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